Our preventive maintenance services for industrial cranes and hoists are designed to meet your operational needs at competitive rates. We provide assessments that ensure optimal performance and safety for routine maintenance or one-time service.
Our AMC incorporates comprehensive inspections and necessary corrective actions:
Safety Checks: Check the condition and settings of limit switches for hoisting, cross-traveling, and long-travel operations. Examine the brakes, brake shoes, and settings.
Oil and Lubrication: Examine the gearbox oil levels and for any leaks. Observe the hoist wire ropes, clamps, guides, and lubrication. Make sure that the oil is properly circulated throughout wheel bearings, couplings, wire ropes, and pinion gears.
Electrical Checks: Evaluate control panels, hanging stations, contractors, overload relays and electrical connections. Check the condition of the DSL, VFD and cover system.
Alignment and Motor Checks: Check engine alignment, including elevator, thrust and idle engines. Check for correct current, resistance and voltage.
Mounting and Fasteners: Check the tension of the axle beam, clutch, engine, gearbox and wheel mounting bolts.
Hook Block and Festoon Systems: Assess the condition of the lower hook block, hook wear, safety latch and upper pulleys. Check the condition of the cable trolley, track and cable.